Hidden Hands Salon is now open

Over the last months I have had the pleasure of helping my friend and long time co-worker Cher Miller open her 3 chair studio salon on N Albina Ave that she has aptly named Hidden Hands. I am excited to be down the street from neighborhood favorites Sweedeedee, Cherry Sprout, Mississippi Records and Albina Press. We did much of the conceptualizing/painting/outfitting ourselves, inspired by minimalism, nature, and modern design. While I believe it will probably be an ongoing work in progress, it will always be calming, intimate, and ideally a place where you might hear your favorite band and talk about something new you’ve recently learned. Oh, and get a great haircut.

In the spirit of minimalism and focus, I am also narrowing the scope of services I offer. At this time I’m most interested in exploring very natural/believable haircolor, and my signature low-maintenance, functional haircuts. While I enjoy exploring the ways we choose to express ourselves, at this time if you’re seeking bold fantasy colors, a bleach and tone, or a complicated color correction, I would love to refer you to a specialist in those techniques.

A note on pricing: Being a small business owner is complicated, and the cost of hair services these days exists on a wide spectrum. I set my prices based on the average going rate amongst my peers, the cost of doing business, and my years of experience.

Salon is open + pricing update

It’s been about a month since 220 North has opened, and after a short adjustment period worrying about the new normal, I can say that things are going well. It’s been amazing to spend time with my clients again, and to remember the importance of community, after so much time of solitude and social distancing. We are doing our utmost to keep everyone safe, while delivering the level of service we were used to before the pandemic hit.

With re-opening I have increased my prices to reflect the current standard, and to cover my increase in operating costs.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.

Tiger Tiger Salon is now 220 North

While Tiger Tiger is no more, I will be working in the same space at 4228 N Williams Ave as a stylist of 220 Salon, at their new location, 220 North. This is great news. After a rollercoaster ride of confusion surrounding Tiger’s closure in the midst of this pandemic, 220 owner Jodie stepped in and decided to expand her reach into North Portland and maintain, to the best of her ability, a stable place for all 10 of us to continue to work. There will certainly be changes to the space, and you may see a few new faces, but the dedication to service will remain the same.

Opening date is set for July 1st, and my books are now open with a slightly different schedule than before, so please check out Schedulicity for availability. I know everyone is feeling stretched with grey roots and long hair (and creative home-haircuts?!), but I may have to ask for continued patience should salons be able to re-open before July 1. Until then, I will be reading and re-reading the guidelines set out for salons as a part of phase-one reopening in Oregon, in an effort to ensure everyone’s health and safety is my top priority.

Thanks again, and I look forward to seeing everyone!

Here’s the link to Schedulicity: https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/2NUNTE

Welcome to my first ever website!

Hi everyone! Here it is: my first ever website. It is a work in progress, so please be patient for more content, and check back often for updates on what I’m doing and thinking about.

Currently Tiger Tiger is closed due to the Covid-19 non-essential business lockdown. While there is little information regarding when salons will re-open, I will post any information I have here. In the meantime, I thank everyone for your patience and generosity in these very uncertain times. Please stay safe and hopeful!